
Fillouttheformbyfillingintheblanksontheform.PStofillouttheformistocompleteit.Tofillintheformistosupplyinformationasrequired.,fill-in:space(s),asinaformordocument·fillout:asinashapeorafigure·fill:aswithcontent,orliquid.,​fillout​則是整張文件​。6.fillin用法例句.Hefilledintheusualtrader'sformofferingtosellthecartothe ...,我們再來總結一下:在表示「填寫」文件、表格的時候,「fillin」和「fillout」沒...

Fill out a form or fill in a form

Fill out the form by filling in the blanks on the form. PS to fill out the form is to complete it. To fill in the form is to supply information as required.

What's the difference between 'fill in' and 'fill out' and just 'fill'?

fill-in: space(s), as in a form or document · fill out: as in a shape or a figure · fill: as with content, or liquid.

fill fill in fill out 用法教學(答對率28%​)多益TOEIC 高分題

​ fill out​ 則是整張文件​。 6. fill in 用法例句. He filled in the usual trader's form offering to sell the car to the ...

Fill in and fill out 區分表示「填寫」 的兩個動詞片語

我們再來總結一下:在表示「填寫」 文件、表格的時候,「fill in」 和「fill out」 沒有區別。 除此之外,它們各自獨有的意思包括以下這幾點:「fill out」 ...

有什麼不同?「fill in」和「fill out」的差別是?

「fill in」和「fill out」兩個都翻譯成「填寫」或「填入」。不過,在填寫表格時,英國人偏向使用「fill in」,而美國人則喜歡用「fill out」。 fill in的用法、含義 · fill out的用法、含義 · Fill out this form Fill in the blank · 其他

小心混淆!填表格到底是fill in 還是fill out? oversee 和overlook 原來不 ...

若是硬要分,fill in 比較偏向將小的空格填滿,而fill out 的範圍比較大,像是整張申請表或是問卷。 I was filling out my application form, but there was ...

'Fill up', 'fill out' or 'fill in'? - Learning English

Fill in. Fill in, just like fill up, can mean 'make something full'. Fill in, just like fill out, can mean 'complete a form or document'.

Should you 'Fill in' or 'Fill out' a form? Both are correct in their ...

So we see that “fill in” and “fill out” mean to complete a questionnaire, survey or form with the necessary information.

fill in or fill out? : rENGLISH

Fill-out is more for essays (making the blank space go away with words). Fill-in would be for short spaces in a question.